Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tebow's Anti-Abortion Advertisment Opens Pandora's Box....

Super Bowl XLIV is set. The great story about the New Orleans Saints who come from a city still rebuilding itself after a devastating force of nature pummeled it. The Indianapolis Colts who are led by the greatest mind in football's history at quarterback in Peyton Manning.

The stories are starting to leak out hour after hour to hype up a great football contest of will versus wisdom. This will indeed be a game for the ages (or at least what the NFL hopes it becomes). The hype machine is already spinning out prop bets, halftime set list spoilers, among many other things that do not relate to any action on the field

So why is everyone so focused on one television commercial featuring a man who doesn't even play in the NFL?

Because Tim Tebow is starring in it.


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